during an average week we have thirty emergency calls 意味
- 平均的な 1 週間では(通常) 30 回の非常呼び出しを受ける 《救急車などが》
- during during 乍 ながら 間中 あいだじゅう
- average 1average n. 平均; 標準. 【動詞+】 I calculated the average of the five numbers. 5
- week week n. 週, 週間. 【動詞+】 establish a five-day week (労働日 授業日などの)週 5 日制を設ける
- we We 朕 ちん
- have 1have n. 財産のある人; 持てる国. 【雑】 the haves and (the) have-nots 有産者と無産者;
- thirty thirty n. 30, 30 歳. 【形容詞 名詞+】 people in their early thirties 30
- emergency emergency n. 非常時, 緊急, 有事. 【動詞+】 It is important to try and anticipate
- during the years we have been associated 長年{ながねん}の付き合いの間で
- have an emergency exit 非常口{ひじょうぐち}がある
- have an emergency landing at ~に緊急着陸{きんきゅう ちゃくりく}する
- during the week その1週間{しゅうかん}の間
- during the week of _月_日から始まる週に
- during this week 今週中に
- work a thirty-eight-hour week 週38時間労働制で働く
- have an earlier average age at diagnosis 若い平均診断時年齢{へいきん しんだん じ ねんれい}を示す